Phone Sex

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Aria Red Rose has been a member since 02/14/2023
Upcoming Schedule

Wednesday, Sept 18: 7 pm --10 pm
Thursday, Sept 19: Noon - 6 pm
Friday, Sept 20: Noon - 6 pm

All times are USA Eastern Time
Sometimes I have last minute schedule changes, and sometimes I can log on when I didn't expect to be free. If you want to make sure we connect, the best thing to do is to text and schedule a time. Trying to schedule via email is not recommended--I may miss your message.

Who Is the Real Aria Red Rose?

I actually don't like to talk about my real life too much--after all, I'm on here for the fantasy--but I don't mind giving you a little peek under the hood.

In real life, I'm a nurse, and I currently take short-term assignments and provide last-minute back up coverage. So I have a lot of flexibility with my schedule, but also sometimes I'm on call and I end up having to drop everything and rush off to work. In general, I like to be busy and I like the stimulation of having an unpredictable schedule, but it does cut into my Niteflirt hobby. So please please please catch me when you see me! Usually I'm a few days on and a few days off, but now and then I have to take a few weeks or even months. And I just CAN'T log in when I'm on a job. Too much distraction!

I am naturally tall, fit, and firm. I am 5'7" (or 6'1" in my tallest heels). I am a natural redhead (and, yes, the carpet matches the curtains). People always ask me if I'm Irish. I love Irish culture, but my heritage is actually Welsh, Swiss-German, and French. Yes, these are my real pictures. No, I don't show my face. I feel more uninhibited that way.

I am married, and yes, my husband knows I'm on here. He loves it! We have a very sexual relationship, and he loves that I go out of my way to indulge my kink.

Do I need the money? Yes and no. Nursing pays better, but it's so stressful! And this is way more fun. I love that when I need a break from my real job, I can pop on here for a little while to unwind and destress, without feeling so anxious about whether or not there's enough cash to keep the lights on. So I am so grateful to all you sexy horndogs for giving me the opportunity to flirt with you.

I am Chat Friendly!

If the system says I'm "offline" (red dot), chances are high that I won't be able to see your message right away. Either I'm getting some much-need sleep, or I'm tied up with work. But if I'm on (green dot) I'll usually get back to you quickly. The exception is if I'm on a call. If you want me to turn off my line and give you my undivided attention for a chat marathon, I could be open to persuasion. ;-)

I love to text! ESPECIALLY when you're in a meeting or in class. ;-) So feel free to shoot me a chat message.

Stories and Silent Calls

No problem. Kick back and relax. I especially like to think about you stroking your cock to the sound of my voice when you're at work, or when your wife is in the next room. Or if you're in the mood for a custom sexy bedtime story, I am ready to lull you into the world of your dreams.
Arianwen Pluckrose