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Into a Muscle Freak: Muscle Growth Roleplay



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$0.99 per min.
Duration: 7 min.


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$0.99 per min.
Duration: 7 min.
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Regulary $1.89/Minute* *Rates may vary depending on your country of origin.

So you want to be huge? Check out my hypnosis. You want to just jack off to the idea of your muscles growing? Then call this NON-hypnosis recording where we imagine your muscles are getting bigger the more you stroke your cock - first nice and buff, and then even growing a bit beyond that. Fuck yeah dude... your muscles getting bigger is already turning me on!

This is just up to you and your imagination, so please leave feedback accordingly (also keep in mind that I am not in control of Niteflirt's audio phone system - my original .wav files sound much clearer) ... but those that respond to my hypnosis might actually feel their muscles growing huge in erotic mp3s such as Mindless Muscle Growth , Into a Musclebear, Neanderthal Muscle, and Muscle Growth & Worship Fantasy. There's also more traditional workout motivation files like the "for coach" series to help you truly get big - you can check them out at and I also have more at, or just look under all my Goodies here.

But what are you waiting for? I know you want to get huge man, so let's fucking grow you into a big muscle freak!

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