Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.



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$0.99 per min.
Duration: 6 min.
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Regulary $1.89/Minute* *Rates may vary depending on your country of origin.

You are so fucking ugly, the mirror breaks in it when you look at it... and also so ugly that you don't deserve that cash. What the fuck would a loser like you do with it anyway? Best to just give it to me for my hot dates - since you'll be home alone like the ugly freak you are..

This is a NON-hypnosis recording. If you like this, check out my other recordings and more at (financial domination) and (for pigs, slaves, & more).

Loser, if you call live, don't expect me to be like this right off the bat if you haven't told me what you like. I work with all sorts of customers, many of which are in my specialty of hypnosis as well as other roleplay that doesn't include verbal abuse. Still I'd love to remind you of what a disgusting, gross, hideous fag you are... just keep in mind that I can't read your mind. So get your expectations in check and communicate with your Superior. There are some free mp3s on the sites linked above to give you a better idea about who I am and what I do ... and if you do just prefer more of this, you can let me know.

Please keep in mind with reviews that I cannot control how my products sound on Niteflirt's end. The recording was much more clear before upload to their phone system.

Still, when all you need is a quick wank, why not take advantage of a Superior being generous with his creativity? Take a listen as you I mock you for your looks and remind you of your inferior place in life, serving your better-looking Superiors. There's no denying it - you are an UGLY, DISGUSTING LOSER.

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