Phone Sex

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Stress Relief

I am naturally submissive and love the vulnerability of being with a dominant man, but it takes a strong man to help me find the courage to release my control. There is no feeling in this world like exposing yourself completely to another person. It is a gift and I give it freely when I feel your strength and dominance. I want you to allow me to serve at your pleasure while you explore and push my limits.

For me submission isn't about the leather, restraints or various BDSM trappings. It is about fully releasing yourself to the experience of allowing another to control your every action and reaction. In doing so giving yourself permission to fully experience existence.

"Normal Schedule" (all times Central)
M, T, TH, F 9:30a - 7p
Most Sat 11a - 7p
Scheduled calls or email me to see if I'm available to sign on.
Sun - Sat 7p - midnight
And always feel free to contact me at any time to see
if I'm available to sign on and chat.


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