Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Accept no imitations. I am Ms. Wong. I am Chinese, and I am a real life dom.

I don't switch. I don't allow sissy bitches to top from the bottom. I expect and demand complete respect from you during our conversation, and you will end the phone call with a "Thank you, Ms. Wong."

If you are too shy to call, we can communicate via chat tex, but be prepared to pay. My time is valuable, and you will honor that. If you are seeking free wank material, go elsewhere.

When I ALLOW YOU TO cum for me, and you will, make sure you cum loud for me. I find it hot when my subs cum in their hands while worshipping me!

And, It's beneficial to your cum flow and my cash flow if you purchase one of my HOT nude photos while you self-pleasure for me.

Call me immediately, and we'll discuss what sissy demands would be made upon you, and what you will be doing for Ms. Wong.


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