Phone Sex

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There are Two Kinds of Men Strong and Weak
I know it is a Weak, Lame-Ass, Punk, Pig-Shit Pussy-Boi
It's far from being anything like a Man it's truly more of a bitch fag Hell it's not even that it's Really Just a Hole for Men to Pump and Dump in because No man wants to spend any Time with a Punk Like it
Except if its really up to the truth - We both know all it really is a Genetic-Defect.
That men should use as they desire then put away in a dark hole till needed to pleasure some other man
Tell me all about it's twisted desires, Punk.
I have heard it all.
Don't let the shame stop it, punk.
I know it needs to serve!
It needs to tell a man who can make it come true, all about its perverted fag wants.
It knows how the world looks at it Now.
But Think about how the world would see it if they all knew the Truth so;
Tell Hawk the Truth before it spills out in a shame filled moment of weakness.

I may laugh at it's needs but I will fulfill them.
I will take it too far
When I am done - I'll Leave it There and Laugh as I get My Pleasure in it's Shame and Humiliation
It will be Far More Perverted; Far More of a Deviant than when it started.
Tell me it's desires let me make them come true!
Let me make it the scum we both know it is inside

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