Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

When you hear my voice, you will have an attraction come over you that is not like anything you have ever experienced before. You might not even notice it at first, and once you do it will be much to late to resist.

I am sure you have "thought" that you had been "addicted" to a Femdom before, but you have never been truly addicted until you have met me. Much like a bottle of Dom' Romane Conti wine I have the ability to penetrate your psyche through the systematic manipulation of your sexual desires, slowly turning you into yet another perfect male slave to my every desire.

As you grow closer and closer to me, you will feel your adoration for me slowly transform into a constant distraction, driving you into despair whenever you cannot speak to me. This will have you ready to do whatever it takes to please me, earning more of my attention and faux affection.

Without warning, you will realize that your burning lust has transformed. You will have succumb to my control without ever knowing that you wanted to. I will never truly love you in the way that you love me, but you will never know that. That is the secret to being a successful Femme Fatale. Come confess all of your dirty little secrets and preverse fantasies to me. I'm here waiting for you.




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