Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

the life of a cuckold!!

ho hum, she's OUT AGAIN!! what's a man to think?? Is she
really where she says she is? Is she looking for a REAL cock??
One that will TRULY satisfy here? Sometimes it doesn't matter
what she has at home, a slut's gonna wander - you might have a
real nice cock, big enough for MOST women...but HER?? She's
never satisfied! She always leaves you wondering, is she fucking
another guy right now? Are you really okay with this?? OR...

are you pissed off, fuming, obsessed with where she is, what
she's doing, who she's with? It's not good for your health to
sit around and focus on her, you know this, right? why not just
be compliant with her needs, maybe even go a step further and
think of her happiness? You want her satisfied, yeah? I mean,
some men even LIKE it! Are you one of those guys?

there are things you could be doing instead of focusing on HER
sex life, I mean...she's hot (or maybe not), has a great body, (or
maybe not), but she's supposed to be YOURS! focus on the great
sex she's having, it might even get your cock hard thinking about
it! Maybe you'll even get to the point of asking if you can watch,
or at least look at pics or hear them fucking?! In the meantime,
I'd suggest a call to me, I can help you decide what to do :)



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