Phone Sex

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Get on your knees. As you kneel take a deep breath. you are where you belong. The feeling is undeniable. Allow it to begin.

I love to take control of your jerks, squeezes, twists, pulls, pushes and count you down to a squirt. I love feminization. I love fucking with your head and turning you in to what I want and deserve. I am the Princess and you are My pleb. you are going to be My dumb dumb pet if you are lucky.

Take a deep breath and call.

Read My ratings to get a feel for My control then get on your knees and reach out. Be a good puppet.

I'm not here to pay My rent, that is your job but My point is I am naturally Dominant and you will only find Me when I want to play with and control My pets in the Dominant listings. I'm not here because I have to be to support Myself so you won't lead Me. I am Princess Summer of Summerville and you are now in My reality.


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