Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Read My words, and your days as a free man are numbered.W/we both know that it’s better that way. Left to your own devices you are an unruly wild animal, giving into to your basest desires.You need loving, authoritative control, and I am the woman to provide it.
Standing 5′ 7″ tall over you, your body and mind will melt
as I command you in My authoritative German accent to abase yourself before Me.You will feel as if you have come home.And make no mistake, kneeling before Me. I will empty all thoughts from your animal mind and replace them with the ache and longing to serve.You will be broken down, emptied out, and reborn under My direction. Shaped by My slim elegant fingers.
Breaking men is My passion and My art.
Call Me now and become My canvas, as I paint My delicious and wicked desires all over you.I have many interests, and prospective supplicants are encouraged to serve this German goddess. Check out My Goodies to see some real pictures of Me and Videos and hear my voice.

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