Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

The Englishman - Are you sure you mean EXTRA kinky? Haha!

Have you noticed, that when you are *really* horny, when you are feeling that yearning deep down inside, when the little voice is begging you to release it and expose your TRUE self to the world... its at that time that the urge to pick up the phone and ask a REAL MAN, one who has the right depth of depravity to understand your needs, to take over and overwhelm you with the filthy kinkiness you crave?

Its like when... you start feeling all those muscles twitching.... the urge for release is almost unbearable... You just HAVE to press that button so that you can hear my commanding, uncompromising voice giving you permission to release....

BUT - what you little faggots, sluts, and sissies don't anticiapte is that when you put the power into my hands...well - you put your reality into my hands too, and then the When, Where and How are ALL decided by ME... HAHA!

Sure - I like to know what it is that starts to spin your mind... I like to know if you have particular fetishes.... but ultimatley *I* will be deciding how to rig your world , how to pull your strings and how to weave your reality so that when *I* decide that the moment is right - that's when the release will feel like the intervention of the divine.... sublime, complete and shattering.

And then, once you are shattered, I will remake you in whatever form I choose.... Do you know why slave? Because I get a kick out of Dominating you... I enjoy the power that I have, I enjoy wielding that power like an almost tangible force of knotted sinew and electricity that I will direct through your mind and at your body to transform you into whatever form I choose. HAHAHA!

For those of you who have called me - you will have tasted that power and might relish and dread the next time it touches you... if you HAVEN'T spoken to me before - then stop and listen to that voice that you know will compell you to do all the things you crave....and ask yourself this... "How will I ever be satisfied unless I call him?".

HAHA! You have no power in my presence.. you are completely vulnerable and exposed in the deepest and most intimate ways you can imagine.

You want to read my blog? Or maybe attract my attention with a well deserved tribute:

$5 Tribute for wannabies

$10 Tribute for maybies

$20 Tribute for willbies

$50 Tribute for cash piggies (Its what I deserve)

$100 Tribute for those of you you really need something special.

Now.... Call Me.

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