Phone Sex

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Rating Points: 1362 Learn more about how ratings are calculated
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Date Rated By Rating Comments
06/10/2010 f.....g
Obscene is an understatement when it comes to describing the sums I have begun to send to Mistress. Proving my love is not the my challenge as much as ensuring Mistress is pleased with me.
06/09/2010 f.....g
I used to be a rambling man. Until Mistress Sabina Erotica showed me the ONE TRUE WAY. That would be HER way. Personal sacrifice and emotional addiction are just the beginning. I'm a believer. You will be too.
05/29/2010 a..................y
Mistress Sabina won't let me jerk off, so my only pleasure is when i pay Her.
04/15/2010 f.....g
Wonderful experience...Must. Call. Again. Soon.
03/31/2010 r......n
I clicked Mistress' humiliation button simply because I thought it would be a fun way to give her $15. It was. :) The PPV also provides a link to a game for losers. I don't consider myself a loser so I'm not going to play it. However, I did read through the game's basic premise and must say that if you are a loser this is definitely a game for you to demonstrate just how much of a loser you can be. Very Clever.
03/13/2010 G............m
Mistress would easily ruin you. She is on another level, completely
02/09/2010 A.........y
At last I think I have found the right Mistress t.o help me with my. Addiction
01/23/2010 f.....g
I crave Mistress... TO CRAVE: 1. to long for; want greatly; desire eagerly: to crave sweets; to crave affection. 2. to require; need: a problem craving prompt attention. 3. to ask earnestly for (something); beg for. 4. to ask (a person) earnestly for something or to do something.
01/11/2010 f.....g
01/11/2010 f.....g
Please me, i hear it...