Phone Sex

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Rating Points: 1362 Learn more about how ratings are calculated
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Date Rated By Rating Comments
10/19/2011 I.........h
Please let me be your bitch Mistress Sabina!
10/18/2011 P.....z
Absolutely awesome but long-distance phone problems (on my end)
07/20/2011 n.........9
I don't know why it feels so good to have my wallet raped....guess I'll have to call back and discuss this with Mistress. Be careful, she is devious!
07/20/2011 n.........9
Definitely fell into a trap here! Wanted to call the FinDom Therapy line, but clicked here out of curiosity. Mistress immediately took control and began to wrap me around her finger...what power!!
07/05/2011 z.......3
Fantastic. The beginning of a long, long road shared together.
07/05/2011 z.......3
Very real, very good. Just what I was hoping for.
04/15/2011 j.....6
so manipultive and control she does my thinking for me
02/22/2011 l......t
Well i did it, called in person. Absolutely BRILLIANT! She just sucked the info from me. What a cunning, professional seducer....... Guys if you call you just don’t stand a chance :)
01/06/2011 l........1
strict financial control by sabina erotica
12/14/2010 b....1
Day by day, my desire and obsession for my Mistress grows. She controls me unlike anyone else and i have looked for a Mistress like Mistress Sabina for years!