Phone Sex

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Rating Points: 1362 Learn more about how ratings are calculated
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Date Rated By Rating Comments
06/23/2017 s.........e
Mistress Sabina and PORN is my only salvation, its NEVER enough
06/08/2017 s.........e
Best Mistress EVER
04/19/2017 s.........e
Absolute must is to check out Sabina Erotic's PPVs. The voice is to die for. The Body she has is the worship. The concept of a Blackmail contract is extremely Erotic.
04/14/2017 s.........e
YES, my cock continues to drip for You Mistress
04/11/2017 s.........e
There is no play pretend. Mistress Sabina is the REAL deal. Most erotic encounter ever
04/10/2017 s.........e
Just left a call with probably the best , most experienced Female Dominant in the world
04/08/2017 s.........e
Most Amazing encounter. Truly an experience that brings out the pure sexual fetishes
02/24/2017 d..s
Can't get Sabina out of my head and my cock. It's so tormenting I can't escape her control. Denial is great pleasure but also nightmare when it involves Sabina
12/31/2016 j....s
Sabina Erotica is embedding the Female Supremacy Truth into my brain, transforming me from a useless male turd to a slave with honor and purpose
08/01/2016 m...........h
Goddess Sabina is going to cash rape my wallet soon and I'm so very thankful to Her. She's wrapping me around Her manicured little finger. Good, because it's where I belong