Phone Sex

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Rating Points: 37557 Learn more about how ratings are calculated
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Date Rated By Rating Comments
08/18/2019 t..........w
Love her voice and how she knows just what to say. So fucking hot!
08/17/2019 w........s
So intoxicating! Looking forward to calling again soon!
08/14/2019 t..........w
Sabrina is the absolute best on night flirt! Her voice is so fucking hot. She knows exactly what to say and when to say it. My all time favorite. Best on NF!
08/11/2019 s........n
She has an amazing dominant voice and her mp3s are sublime and sexy!
08/08/2019 w.......o
Called Sabina to talk about my p**p**s experience with another NF domme. Sabina had some new tricks. I stared into spiral and went into trance. Don't remember much; Woke up feeling great. Had sent her much money.
08/04/2019 M............6
Listened to two more. How can someone I’ve never even talked to know me so well? Absolutely amazing.
08/04/2019 M............6
OMG! Between her intro mp3 and this one she’s has me by the balls and I haven’t even talked to her live yet. Can’t wait for more.
07/30/2019 t..........w
OMG when she's online I call her and her only. She is the best and her voice is HOT AF!!
07/19/2019 J............t
This Goddess owns me!!! The best experience ever!!!!
07/08/2019 p..........k
Another very hot recording. what you do after you been ruined. That sounds so hot