Phone Sex

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12/13/2019 C...........g
Exciting to pick this particular task
11/17/2019 w.......6
what can I say another great call Sabina is hot built and a dam sexy voice
11/17/2019 w.......o
Sabina says she's been going too easy on me so far. I hope she means it. Today she got me all messed up and I sent her four tributes. Too bad I can't attache feedback to each tribute.
11/12/2019 c.......y
I guess on some level I do feel that there is a little performance going on
11/12/2019 c.......y
I do like that her and I use the same vocabulary
11/08/2019 w.......o
Sabina triggered me to call her via an e-mail. I braced myself for a severe wallet rinsing, but she focused on getting me to tell her about secrets from my past.
11/06/2019 w.......o
When Sabina tells you that she will f**k you up on a phone call, believe it. She will f**k you up good.
11/02/2019 w.......6
I love talking to Sabina if you have not talked to her what are you waiting for call her asap
10/26/2019 c.......y
I like white goddess’s ability to be free, free speech is definitely one of my values
10/20/2019 t..........w
Her voice is so hot and she is so good at doing my fetish.