Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

If you're seeking a big beautiful woman, you've come to the right place.

I have a soft, sexy voice. Very confident and I love the skin I'm in. Sexy is a state of mind.

Girlfriend experience, Quickies, vanilla sex, mutual masturbation, small penis humiliation...just to name a few of my interests. What are yours?

My stats: 5'8"- Brown hair & big brown eyes, 275 lbs. 42 C bra. Big round bottom, smooth soft to the touch skin.
My favorite perfume & scents: I smell like coconut oil/butter or VS 'Pure Seduction' body spray.

I love to paint my toes & manicure my nails, spa days are the best days.

My pussy is plump and juicy, it smells like coconuts & tastes like a juicy pineapple. Mmmm. Sounds good doesn't it? Wet, wet.

Call me, I'd love to have some sexy fun with you!

If I'm not available, send me a message via chat or send mail so we can arrange a call together. I look forward to hearing from YOU real soon. ✉ ♥️

Xoxo, BBWKristen©️

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