Phone Sex

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I will have complete ownership each slut.

Dedicate your money and time to MY financial and personal gain.
Travel into this realm is a path of NO return.

How to serve as a financial slave:

Demonstrate the need to begin absolute servitude to ME.

**Slave Lessons** - Exposed Truth of the Weak Slave Mind [Seven Complete Trials]

There are rules to learn and accept as a prospective member of MY property-whore stable.

Accept the truth of slave-failure in life and seek to begin the transformation.

Surrender to the urges which condemn and enslave all of society’s broken, beta-males.

Learn to worship and obey the need for popper addiction and to serve anonymous cock as a life-purpose.

The lesson content has been prepared and is waiting for application to a slave's mind.

Can 'It' handle the serious nature of a commitment to this lifestyle?

Request your name be placed in the "willing slave" folder as property selected for training.

Send an e-mail request to ME confessing the need to be trained through multiple "Education of Servant Property" pay-per-views for the purpose of selection and molding for transformation is find me, and then, led into the realm of cash-rape mind-control leading to penetration for placement of the Master’s seed.

Failure at life is an inescapable destiny for the beta-male of modern society .


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