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Thank you for letting me bow down to you to lick your feet
and bite your toenails. You public humiliation of me in
the bar was also exactly what I needed. You always seem
to know. I am truly privileged to totally be your
property for you to do as you wish. The greatest desire
of my heart is to please you in everything I do, Sir.
Thank you again, Master. I am so grateful to you.
johnny truant's Goodies
johnny truant doesn't have any Goodies to view right now.
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October 31st
Break out your cc & Give me Money
Click the telephone for Halloween brutality
Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
As though it were a slightly sour sweet.
Let terror, then, be turned into a treat,
Lest it undermine our common sense.
Our nightmares are the founts of fancy whence
We wander through the fields of our conceit,
Eluding the true horror we must meet
Embodied in the play of our pretense,
Now ranged across the night in our defense. .
For every breath you take. You owe me thanks.
Fill my trick r treat bag, fag-boy!
Keep Clicking the $ or the cc to give 100.00 of my money, boy.
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