Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Spoiling Me will become your OBSESSION!

Keep your mouth SHUT & your wallet WIDE OPEN! This line is dedicated to ignoring u idiots while I go about My day. Maybe you'll get lucky & I'll pick up and tell u what a loser u are & then laugh at u for being so pathetic. Or maybe I won't even do that. Maybe I'll just pick up the phone & put it straight in My Gucci bag & then go about My business like u don't even exist. We all know I only care about your money :) Hahahah... keep spending!!

That's right, bitches, I am here to give your pathetic life some purpose. FINALLY, right? you've been stumbling along your entire life wondering why you were put on this earth. And now you know - you were put on this earth to ENTERTAIN ME!! Now let's get one thing straight: you were put here for Me, not vice-versa. So, if you're expecting Me to dance around and tease you on cam, you can go elsewhere. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO NUDITY IN ANY OF MY VIDEOS, PHOTOS, OR CAM SESSIONS!! GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLS!!!!! IT WILL NOT HAPPEN - EVER!!!!

I am Princess Lyne. I am bratty. I am demanding. I am greedy. I am bitchy. I am obsessed with Perfection: MYSELF. If u think u can handle Me, then give Me a call. But I warn u, I am incredibly addictive. I'm the most potent drug you've NEVER experienced... until now. Call now & let the GAMES BEGIN!!


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