Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

My name is Alanah. I'm an Adult Entertainer from North Carolina. I really enjoy what I do for a living because it allows me to use my sexuality and imagination to make people feel good. My job also leaves me very excited at times so I enjoy playing on the phone where I can be safe, yet limitless in fantasy.

I have always been told I am great with people and have a way of making total strangers feel they have known me for years. It is that ability and my open-mindedness which has allowed me to learn a lot about other peoples sexual desires and fantasies, and in turn realize my own.

Want some hot visual stimulation while we talk? Buy my goodie bag.

Like my ass? New goodie bag from behind and underneath.

So what can you expect from a call with me?

  • A very dirty and detail oriented mind.
  • A sensual voice that will relax you or excite you in all the right places.
  • An open-minded woman with tons of insight and sexual experience.
  • A real woman with a personality that is fun and imaginative.
  • Just plan on having a great time no matter what we talk about. I really love to play too, so if you want to hear me cum, just be very dirty and ask me to join you.
    I am 100% confident I know how to please and after one call with me you will be too! Please realize I can't read minds and I don't want to guess what you are into. I want to take the ingredients you give me, cook them up in my deviant mind, and feed you the best fantasy you've ever experienced. So don't be shy, I want to know all the nasty things that get you off!

    Can't wait to play with you,


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