Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

I'd love to tell you my fantasies, hear yours, or just get off with you.

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If what you want is a three minute moan n' groan ball draining, I can do that, happily, but my specialty is the deluxe package. With more than ten years of Niteflirt experience, a sharp mind, and a sincere enjoyment of male sexuality, I've got what it takes to push your average afternoon wank to the next level.

  • I listen to your desires, your confessions, your kinks and fantasies without judgement. As long as it falls within Niteflirt's terms of service, I'm game. :)
  • I adapt to your mood and customize your erotic experience on the fly.
  • I *enjoy* hearing the arousal in your voice.
  • I bring my own fantasies, ideas and sexual history to our call, and if you like, I'm more than happy to share.
  • I'm a huge fan of sucking cock, and can blow you till your eyes roll back in your head.

    Too shy to speak your desires out loud? Gotta be quiet?
    Wanna bounce some ideas off me and see if we're on the same page?
    Send me a chat! I'll reply as soon as I am able. :)
    (only $0.99 per volley!)
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    Rather hear my sexy voice? Give me a call. ;)


    Pretty Please, don't forget to give me feedback if you enjoyed your chat with me. I love reading what you thought of our call!


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