Hi everyone! I’m Audrey! I’ve recently entered my thirties and have a background in social work and psychology.
I’m admittedly something of an enigma. I am very scientific and results oriented, but also have an affinity for spirituality and non-traditional ways of thinking. I practice monogamy, but also completely understand (and am intrigued by) the appeal of multiple people in the bedroom. I also fervently believe in working with and helping people to improve their life situations, both personally and professionally, but become aggravated beyond belief when said people refuse to even take baby steps to change their lives.
I had worked in house offering a type of counseling services to employees of a large logistics company in Austin, Texas (where I’m from). Recently, I stepped away from that to recalibrate my direction in life. Spending my waking hours stressing about whether Marcia from accounts receivable was going to finally buy that book on stretching that she’s been talking about for the last eight weeks, is not the way I want to go through life. Sometimes life feels too safe, too planned or to constrained and I kind of want to break free from that.
One thing that I have a true appreciation for is the medium of film. I like off-the-beaten path arthouse films moreso than the latest Marvel movies and have been watching Italian Giallo Horror movies. Blood and Black Lace is my favorite so far, but I haven’t yet watched Deep Red and I’ve heard many positive things about it. But the reason I’m mentioning my love of cinema is that it’s what brought me to Niteflirt. Such a large percentage of movies that involve a therapist shows the therapist becoming involved with his/her patients in a wildly unethical and unprofessional way. (See every psychological thriller in the 90s starring Bruce Willis or Demi Moore). I have never gone down this pathway, but realized that in a setting such as this, where I’m not offering any official counseling services, nor obligated by any organizations professional code of conduct, it could be very fun and mischievous to see what types of things I could get into with other people.
My main focus when dealing with other people is to help get them on the path that they want to be on. I love helping people feel more joy and satisfaction in their lives and am quite motivated to do so. I can lead people on that path, but, as I learned with Marcia in accounts receivable, they have to be willing to come with. I don’t know what anyone’s particular desire is, more sex, less sex, or sex with other people or sexes, but I do know that they deserve to be in the place where they feel most safe, fulfilled and comfortable.
There are two feelings that I enjoy more than almost anything else: 1) Helping others achieve satisfaction, and 2) pushing the envelope and entering those grey areas that are still acceptable (and that follow the terms of service), but outside the realm of what most people would do. I love that. It’s like entering a new neighborhood of pleasure for the first time, over and over again.
Please give me a call or shoot me a text message if you’re not able to call at the moment, and we’ll see what kind of arenas we can enter together!
I respectfully ask that no hate speech be used during calls or texts. That speech has no place in my life.