Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Give me the pleasure of your total surrender...

I revel in exercising My dominance over YOUR psyche. You will be Mine to command, examine, use, break- destroy.

With clinical precision, I methodically work My way DEEP inside your mind, until, one day, you realise I am all that remains.

Released from the burden of thought, your mind is free to sink into the depths. You listen to My voice; follow My commands. It brings you exquisite pleasure. My attention feeds you; thoughts of Me fill your mind. You manage to elicit praise from Me, and it fills you with a frantic ecstasy- you are DESPERATE for more.

As the truth of My absolute dominance spreads through you, you will fully enter My world, forgetting who you were before, and become entirely consumed by me. I am your only thought now… I am your religion, your God, your air. I am your source of both deepest shame and solace, and it is your great privilege to witness Me.

Do you dare begin the journey?

My services are suitable for those interested in: psychological domination, humiliation (verbal and body), forced bi, blackmail, foot worship, Goddess worship, financial domination - for slaves, cucks, sissies, bitch boys, betas, cowards, liars, losers, pathetic old men, incels, gooners, freaks

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