Phone Sex

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You know it's time, and this is your sign to quit smoking - or drinking, or gambling. "We all have addictions" is a tired line in 2024 now that society has a deeper medical and scientific understanding of how the brain works. Dopamine hits feel good - but we can't let any one thing hijack our chemistry at the expense of our freedom.

You miss feeling in control and having money for the things that truly nourish your soul, whether that's buying healthier food, or investing in your future or your loved ones. Maybe you think you don't deserve nice things, and punish yourself with self-destructive behaviors. Maybe you've tried to quit before, but you're being reminded to try again.

Habits are absolutely able to be broken and I'm here to offer you a distraction... it's easy to quit smoking if you have someone cheering you on and believing in you. It's probably also a lot easier to forget about some of that entirely and to indulge in the dopamine-rich experience that is uninhibited, raw intimacy.

I'm thinking "put down that cig, and pick up your dick" as I write this and laugh to myself, losing the battle to omit it, but it's true. Put down what does not serve you, and pick up something that feels way better. Plus, orgasms are proven to be beneficial for health! I hope I've made you laugh with this unusual angle I am taking, but all jokes aside, as a Domme I truly love to encourage my subs to live a healthy life.

If you're in need of a kinky mentor who will encourage you to be your best, I'd love to hear from you! I'm an ex-cigarette smoker who knows how much vices can control our lives and I fully believe that sex is a healthier alternative!

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