Phone Sex

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Love smut? Let me read my fantasies to you



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$0.99 per min.
Duration: 16 min.


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$0.99 per min.
Duration: 16 min.
Sometimes I fantasize about otherworldly sex. I want to turn you on with my sexy voice while reading my fantasies to you. This is just the beginning, and I hope it gets you as hot as it gets me! Here's a little snippit, so you can decide if you like it.

Mammon's Feast: Sample from the prologue

He smiled and she felt his cock start to slide into her. And for the briefest of moments, she saw something else in his eyes. She must have been imagining it though. There was no way. Because what she thought she saw was a second vertical set of eyelids blink behind his normal eyelids. And for a split second his eyes looked like...pits. Deep black pits that went far beyond the walls of her apartment.


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