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Southern Belle 29

Tell me your BBC Confessions



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$1.50 per min.
Duration: 3 min.


Listen Now
$1.50 per min.
Duration: 3 min.
Listen! I have heard it from more men than I can count. There are different ways BBC obsessions start but one thing remains the same-once they get a taste of BBC they continue to crave it. Listen to my message then chat or call me with your confessions. Tell me about hooking up with the neighbor, your high school bud, the hot black guy in the gym, the public servant whom shall not be named There are so many stories to hear and to tell. I can tell you some as well if that's what you want. Sometimes you just crave being able to confess to someone who understands. THAT"S ME. No Judgment only questions about your experiences and my full attention listening to the details of your stories. XOXO I keep hearing about "STRAIGHT MEN" ARE TAKING IT IN THE ASS PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK! IT IS LIKE LEAVING A TIP WITHOUT HAVING TO LEAVE A TIP! I appreciate it!!

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