Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Sultry Voice Vixen

Submit and Stroke for Your Dominant Mistress



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$1.99 per min.
Duration: 5 min.


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$1.99 per min.
Duration: 5 min.
You've been craving a strong, seductive mistress that can easily wrap you around her little finger. Well, you've found exactly what you're looking for...or rather, I've just found a brand new slave. I'm looking forward to making you forget about every other woman in your life. Now listen to my recording over and over and over again until you become addicted to my voice. Remember, you were the one who chose to walk right into my web. Enjoy being trapped forever. I look forward to hearing how much you enjoyed being enslaved when I read your feedback.

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