Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

You may have experienced Domination sessions with me. Being on your knees and worshipping me is very different from having a more intimate experience with me though.

You may wonder what it's like to be in a relaxed setting with me. Us talking about the milder things of life. Talk to me about your day. Let's share some music and get to know each other on a different level. 

I am a taste of the finer things in life-- getting to be intimate and open with me is a way to unwind from the stress of every day life. Escape is what I provide, and ease is what I offer. 

A few of my favorite things include: Music Recommendations, Surprise Tributes (it's so sweet to see that little notification), lingerie, cinema, reading, good wine, pole dancing, and so many other things... Ask me about them.

Completely let your gaurd down with me. I encourage you to tell me about the things on your mind-- even if you shy away from usually sharing. Between us, everything is okay. The things that bother you, are important to me. Perhaps I can make use of my degree in psychology and human sciences and offer you advice.

This experience is something only few get. Let's chat. Even if my calls are set to away, I usually respond quickly. However, I am Eastern Time so do keep that in mind when reaching out. 

Let's enjoy each other's company. ❤

"It is not what we learn in conversation that enriches us. It is the elation that comes of swift contact with tingling currents of thought." — Agnes Repplier


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