Phone Sex

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You know it's time to give control of your finances over to someone who deserves it. As your mistress, I'll turn you into my personal ATM machine. And you're going to give everything to me - every last penny. Until your bank account is empty. Why? Because you can't help yourself. Because you can't have empty balls and a full wallet, and when you have to choose between them, you'll remember these perfect tits and luscious body. You're powerless to resist me. You want me. You need me. Your balls ache to satisfy me. But I won't be satisfied until you've surrendered your wallet and your bank account. Everything you have now belongs to me. Don't waste my time with emails or calls until you've proved your financial submission to Mistress Autumn. Offer enough of a tribute to catch my attention, and maybe I'll accept you as my new wallet-slave.

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