Phone Sex

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Hey there neighbor!
I've only seen you in passing, but....I've definitely noticed! ;)

I would really like to officially "MEAT" each other.

I'm literally the guy next door, that friendly guy with a kinky side. As well as that guy who knows how to keep a secret.
I have been told my cocksucking skills are "amazing"
So cum on over and let me BLOW your mind...Or maybe you can blow mine.
I'm a very relaxed, open minded, and understanding kind of guy. So don't be shy...tell me exactly what you like, and want. I'm always curious to try something new. So... whenever you're ready, just knock on my "back door". ;)

You can almost always "CALL ME".... M-F: between 1:30 and 6 A.M. (E.S.T.) Saturday & Sunday: times vary, so just check and see.

I am available for "CHAT" messages 24/7


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