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Sandra Gibbons

Chat With Sandra About Dressing, Bondage and Life!

Hi there! It's bondage queen Sandra Gibbons. If you're into crossdressing and bondage you've probably seen me online in my videos. I've been a fan of NF for several years and I started up my own line for fun and to talk to new people or listen to gurls gag themselves and do self-bondage on my other listing.

Give me if a call if you'd like to talk - it can be sexual or non-sexual. I love to talk about dressing, bondage, gags, going out, being in the closet (with or without ropes and gags - but preferably with!), getting caught and embarrassed or whatever else is on your mind - including just life in general. And if you have a specific topic you'd like to discuss, just send me a text or email before and let me know. I look forward to chatting!


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