Phone Sex

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***Erotic Voice Spell***



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$2.22 per min.
Duration: 3 min.


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$2.22 per min.
Duration: 3 min.
Close your eyes and come to the heart of a mystical forest, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, there dwells a witch of extraordinary beauty. With raven locks cascading like silk over her shoulders and eyes the color of emerald forests, she possesses a voice that bewitches all who hear it. As she glides through the woods, her melodious voice floats on the breeze, a siren's call that beckons to unsuspecting travelers. Mesmerized by the enchanting cadence of her words, men are drawn to her like moths to a flame, their hearts ensnared by the ethereal timbre of her voice. Each syllable drips with honeyed sweetness, weaving a spell of desire and longing that leaves them powerless to resist her charms. And so, under the spell of her captivating voice, you will be next, the next to willingly follow wherever she may lead, lost in a trance of adoration and fascination immerse yourself in the sight and sound of your new addiction.

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