Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Listen up, you horny mutherfuckers! I'm looking for a few good submissives to gather at my feet and give me cum offerings.

Come in. Assume the position and prepare to give me every single drop of cum that is in those balls.

Truly submissive men only!
Are you a switch? An angry, domineering, or manipulative man? Prone to mantrums (man tantrums)? Anything other than submissive? You will not be tolerated. So, don't bother wasting your money or my time.

I am going to own you. I am going to own your dick. I am going to own your balls and every bit of cum that is in those balls.

When you come into my presence, you will work hard to please me. I will tease and deny you, cruelly, relentlessly, fucking with you and driving you to the brink of insanity. You will moan and groan your way into sub-space where I will torture the pure fuck out of you, dig my claws into you, and own your ass.

Only then might I find you worthy of giving me a cum offering, you dirty horny boy.

Note: When you call in tell me how long you have for the call so that I know upfront how much time I have to fuck with you. (15-minute minimum)

No fantasies. No checklists. No topping from the bottom. If you disconnect the call prematurely, you will be blocked.

The One and Only,
~Mistress Alisa


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