Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Hi~ Im Poppy! Your perfect rp slut! I can be dominant or submissive, just as you desire~ Ill make you cum as hard as i can~

Turn Ons: Body Worship, Hyper cocks, Cumflation, Internal cum, Clowns, Findom/Sugaring, Trans folk and femboys, Gangbangs/being fucked by or fucking multiple people, BBC, Size difference/hyper size difference, Cum tribute, Goddess worship, Foot worship, Extremely public, Stuck in wall (with consent), Consent in general, Gentle sex, Rough fuck, Angels/demons/monsters, Claiming/marking

I'm open to soooo much more than this, please do ask~

Hard turn OFFs/absolute nos: Pregnancy, Face slapping, Hair pulling, Spit

Men, Women, and all others welcome~ Chat always open even if calls arent!


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