Phone Sex

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Hello all! I’m Emily! I am an actual licensed therapist practicing independently in the state of Tennessee. I’m 31 and this is my first venture at something like Niteflirt.

My journey to the present has been a most interesting and winding one. I have gained so much experience in different fields and wisdom about people that I sometimes feel like I have a sixth sense about my clients. I have learned how my body reacts to different things—I get a very distinct sensation in my gut when I sense that someone is gay and leading a closeted lifestyle—and that has been most helpful for advancement in my career. The problem with this is that, being professional, I can’t dive into things the way I’d want to if I didn’t have to adhere to things like ‘the law’ and ‘ethics boards’.

I specifically chose to get licensed as an MFT because I like relationships. My niche is specially dealign with married couples who are looking to stay married. I feel like I’m ahead of the game in a lot of regards with these couples; the relationship worked at some point and it’s just a matter of (hopefully) fine tuning a few things to have it begin to burn bright again!

I will offer continued reflection in my efforts to do so and will also challenge different lines of thinking when they come up. Sometimes thoughts can be chaotic, and I can offer new things to try and help. Rather naturally, in my everyday practice, I cannot recommend some crazy things that I think would be beneficial—Jennifer, you need to peg Bill because he yearns for that badly!—but that aspect of things is what drew me here.

While I am a therapist, I’m also a human. When couples are having sexual issues, I can relate to that because I’m an adult and I have sex. When I’m talking to people about fears of flying or a desire to do something that I consider tame sexually, I cannot relate anywhere near as much. Jennifer, giving Bill a blowjob is not whorish. The idea of talking to people on here, delving into sexual fantasies, issues that might arise in the bedroom, ideas that are desired but not comfortable asks (see the aforementioned pegging or anything involving cuckolding) and exploring what makes us all tick is very intriguing to me and more than just a little sexy.

I had a couple recently that I saw where the man desperately wanted to be feminized by his wife. Her response was a weird combination of grasping her pearls in shock and announcing that he hadn’t earned the right to have her fill that role. The man got down on his knees in front of his wife and was begging. I had to have him get up—there’s a right way to do things and a wrong way, his was the latter—and try to approach it from a more therapeutic perspective. But at the time, I recall thinking how ridiculously sexy the scene was. I had so many questions for his wife, starting with, “Why don’t you put your high heel on his face and push him away? Do you know how much that would help your relationship?” But I couldn’t ask. It just wasn’t professional.

Sex is a primal urge and something that we all need. And there are so many unique ways that we need it. Sex is so many different things and when approached from the right point of view, it’s all very hot. Like Frasier Crane, I am here listening. Sometimes, just having a person that you can bounce ideas off of that you can’t bounce off anyone else is very helpful.

My main goal here is to create a safe space for you (and for us) where we can explore sexual challenges and lifestyle choices and see where things go from there. I’ve never tried anything like this before so while I am open to jumping into things, it will require me to override my years of training, which is a very sexy thought in its own right. So be patient and I will join you.

I do need to be clear that while I can offer advice, support, sexual excitement and counseling, I cannot actually perform therapy on here. The ethical restrictions of my license prevent me from doing that, no matter how much I’d like to. Please send me text messages or give me a call and let’s begin! I’m looking forward to connecting with you!


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