Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

It's true... I've been investigated recently for reports of taking inappropriate actions with my therapy clients... I promise you the news is 100% true.

I may break a few 'therapy' rules but when my goal is to break down your resistance and see you overcome all of the judgments that stand in the way of your kinky pleasures - you can't blame me for using my body and mind control techniques in every way possible.

Talk therapy, guided visualizations, soothing hypno, and pleasure deepening role play are all tools I use to turn you into my willing fetish obsessed subject.

Reach out for an appointment via chat... or try a consultation session when you see that I have open phone hours available.

Spend a little time with me... let me play with your mind and see what we can experience together. (And hey... don't blame me if you get a little attached... I won't mind at all if you fall in love ;)

Kaleia, Your Fetish Therapist


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