XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX RATED. DIRTY HOE BAG INCOMING! SEXUALLY EXPLICIT, EXTREMELY DESCRIPTIVE. RAUNCHY AS ALL FUCK. Stacked RED HEAD BIG OL TITTIES. LETS fuck til I squirt or you do or both.. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I cannot believe I have to say this.. but please don't call me about fantasies involving your family. So gross. Yuck
Ok GUYS as I get more experienced here I am gonna tell you a couple things.. If you are REALLY REALLY gross. You need to have me raise my rate. If I ask you multiple times what you are into.. please dont just say "Whatever you want." You don't mean that. You have very specific fantasies, for this to work i need to know a little bit about what you are into.. Especially if we have never spoke before. My rates are low because I am new, not because I don't know what I am doing. I DO NOT BREAK TOS (terms of service) and why would you even call someone with such a low price and think she would.. like the 50 cents isn't worth me losing my account. I dont do pornographic pictures unless you are rich af. Why would I be so stupid as to sell you naked pictures of my for 5 bucks.. why would I do that? Anyway, thats all for now. I would love to have fun with you and get you off, but I don't want to describe really REALLY gross stuff or have you describe it to me for 50 cents a minute..(thats after niteflirts cut) I wont put examples here because it will turn you off.. and some of you guys would be like "men dont ask for that." YES they do.