Phone Sex

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One of my favorite kinks is religious blasphemy. Kinky men and women into blasphemy are my kind of perverts. For years the teachings of the christian god held me in guilt and shame. One day I woke up and said no more. Not only am I not going to be ashamed of my hypersexuality and desires, I started incorporating religious themes into it and found out how incredibly hot blasphemous phone sex can be. It’s freeing, it’s hot, and it’s cathartic. Have you had your natural sexual urges shamed? Were you told you were a deviant for the kinks and fetishes that get you off? Fuck the god that wants to stand in the way of our pleasure. He’s nothing more than a fucking tool for control. The good news is that there is an alternative. Our dark Lord Lucifer wants us to celebrate our bodies, our sexuality, and our pleasure. Satan isn’t afraid of letting his wicked ones get off, and get off hard. Hail Satan, he is the way. Our beautiful fallen angel encourages us to experience the bliss that our bodies can bring us. Fuck jesus christ and the holy spirit, Satan is Lord.

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