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“You are the most mysterious woman I have ever met Olivia.” I smiled a thin smile. That used to be a reason to curl the sides of my mouth genuinely but not that day...
We all live in a world where mystery is safe. Where there are shadows; there is no judgment.
But what happens when you are ready for a tan?
I rolled away from the man who wore a matching wedding band and escaped into our restroom.
I looked in the mirror, into my soul gateways. “Of course, I am a mystery to you. You wouldn't be able to handle the real me. But I can handle the real you.”
His name was Phil, and he was the guy I was hitched to. But his mistress knew him as “Philipina”.
Yup, I married a sissy who posed as an alpha, and he had the nerve to call me mysterious... Well, he isn't all the way wrong. There was quite a bit he didn't know about me. Like how I knew about his various text messages and meet-ups with the chick with a dick that parted my husband's asshole until it was puffy and scarlet red...
His last meet and greet conveniently lined up with a rendezvous of mine.
“Olivia, your pussy is the best.” dark chocolate mixed with my pink velvet too well.
I gasped for air as my big black rod tenderized my insides. I let out a devious moan as my eyes stubbornly studied my Samsung.
On it was the blow-by-blow of what Philipina was doing. He was on his back spread eagle with pointed toes getting plowed just as aggressively as I was.
Mistress Lattimore was doing one hell of a job. Philipina was making wild feminine primal noises... much like I was.
I saw his Mistress glance at the camera with a mischievous nod. She was my accomplice in blackmail. She got paid extra for her services. And my hunk paid me in orgasms and breaks from being Mrs. Red Riding Hood.
The hotel romp in the sheets was great so was my new footage. I would add it to the collection of ammo that I would make plain at the right time or never. A girl like me loves to be prepared.
As I lay on my toned belly I looked back at my African Lover. My Pussy was pleased for the time being. But still... something was lingering inside me.
The double life was once the main ingredient to an exciting adventurous existence but then... it started to disturb me. Everyone lives like this. Few live with no masks. I am tired of being like everyone else. What's thrilling is being your full self with someone- bareback.
No protection. No thin layer of latex as a shield. I want it raw.
Can I be all of me with you? Can I be soft... sweet... whorish... sneaky, mischievous, dominant, submissive, wifely, goofy, and loving and so much more?
Are you brave enough to shed your skin with me? If so... call me now!
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