Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Meet Your New, Playful Flirt.

Wanna have fun with a young, experienced slut? My name is Fresh Fuck, but you can call me Alice
My name is Fresh Fuck, but you can call me Alice

You deserve a connection. My slutty college ass can do more than just fuck around.
Three things about me: I'm honest, bold, and hungry ;)
Tell me everything from fetishes to confessions to what you love to do in your free time (besides fucking one of my three, tight holes).

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Where It All Began

I guess I knew I wanted to be an Adult Entertainer whenever I told my parents I wanted to be a stripper whenever I grew up. I later used my sensual voice to get me both in and out of many situations. You could say that I grew up rather fast.

Having done so, I can give a rather unique perspective on anything and everything you want to discuss or fantasize about. Whether it’s guidance about life or a crazy afternoon delight, I’m here for it all!

A Little Bit About Me

WARNING you'll grow addicted.

I am a self-sufficient college student earning a double major and am interested in having a bit more fun;) Having grown tired of college boys rather quickly, I figured I would get on here to help satisfy my sexual cravings. A little confession of mine is I am super obsessed with touching myself and do it for every call. I take mutual masturbation to a whole new level. Let's explore each other's deep sexual appetites.

I do adore casual calls. I LOVE being spoiled. Time has a problem melting away with me as I hear and tell confessions. LET ME KNOW YOU!! I am open minded and free spirited. Schedule a call, chat with me, or just go ahead and call if I'm available. I'm eager and love to share myself!

Click to donate to my college fund. It's hard surviving while paying for an education out of pocket.

$50 $100 $250

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Chat, call, or schedule a call! I do offer 24/7 chat. ALSO customizable content available


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See a little more of me


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