Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Greedy Goddess Owns You

I’m your bisexual slut ready to cum HARD for you!

✮ ✮** IF YOU BUY MY SKYPE ID, friendly reminder… I don’t chat on Skype or accept tributes for calls/chats
Call me directly ✮ If calls don’t connect please dial Niteflirt & my extension— there is a geomagnetic storm this month that causes cell phones to connect erratically ✮ 1-800-863-5478 ext: 10640643
I am Melanie Fawker, a BIG NASTY woman that WILL take all your hard earned money from you because you said so.... My need for greed is much more important than your pussy free existence …you will do what I tell you to do!!
Use the Niteflirt Mail feature or Chat. If you are a male flirt trying to cam with me and you waste my time by annoying me with your nonsense I will block you for wasting my time.
Chat Button TributeButton - Buy my Skype ID Do not message me on Skype to chat or talking about calls. You will be ignored/Blocked
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