Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

I am Diana Deviance - a professional dominatrix, lifestyle femdom and fiery Goddess. My natural red curls and luscious body hair, combined with My sultry alto voice will make you blush and sweat.
I am as nurturing as I am demanding - I will nurture your submissive and vulnerable side and help you accept that you need to be completely controlled by a divine femme.

you need someone intelligent, skillful and intuitively dominant to help you feel in your place as a submissive. I have a degree in sexuality studies and am pursuing a career in psychology - I can help you reach an altered state of consciousness triggered by devotion and reverence for the divine.
I enjoy finding ways for My pets to be useful to Me that focus only on My pleasure - tributes, gifts and regular calls to enjoy playtime together is what truly makes Me smile.
I enjoy crafting D/s relationships where your money, time and energy are all directed towards pleasing Me, while also gently (or not so gently) holding you accountable to your personal goals and being your best submissive self.
Call to experience My power and fall under My spell.

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