Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

You know you need to hand it over to me, it's mine, it belongs to me, you are just holding it for me, I am ready to raise the rate, drain, rinse and mess with your head. You are my pay pig, my toy, Submit to your new addiction

I am waiting to take back what is mine

Hand it over Pay Pig

You work for  me

You live for me

You spoil me ONLY

I enjoy draining bank accounts, milking cash cows  raise, the rate, popper addiction, gooning, cash cows

I am dangerous, devious, manipulative and I am cruel I don't care, I will just keep pushing you to get what I want.


Call me, Pay me, Beg me to RTR FOR YOU,  shower me in compliments as you oink on the floor spending more and more

I am your Goddess, your Princess, your life, your world. I AM EVERYTHING TO YOU




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