Phone Sex

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Hello there! I'm Goddxss K! Goddxss is fine too! Welcome to my little corner of heaven. Here you'll find yourself able to relax and melt away all the things that bring you stress. With me, you'll love spending time enjoying a loving night in or indulging in a more exciting and alluring atmosphere. My definition of a Haven is somewhere I can be as relaxed and indulgent as I choose to be. And when I'm not indulging in finer things, I'm immersed in the knowledge around me, expanding my horizons. You can find me writing or engaging with captivating books with riveting characters or riddled with facts. For me, indulging means to allow myself to thoroughly enjoy the the experiences I am blessed with and in doing so create peace within myself. In my Haven, I create that se experience by offering a safe space that is open to any gender (or lack thereof) and any sexual orientation as well. I believe in the love of being and as a result, enjoy beings of all backgrounds. Of course, I am no stranger to the kink community either as I have experience within those spaces as well. Here in my Haven, you'll find yourself understanding what it means to indulge in the more intimate and sensual experiences life has to offer. Allow yourself to be completely enthralled by the sweetest, most Divine being you'll ever meet. Goddxss K is the one you can come to for all your soft (and a few hard) desires. Let yourself be blessed by my warmth and enjoy the delights of the world with me. Indulge in #TheGoddxssEffect and free yourself from the hardships of the day.
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