Phone Sex

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The Mercy Medical Centre

Brought to you by British Dr Lacey.

Welcome gentlemen to my institute. The one and only facility you need to find true salvation.

Here at The Mercy Medical Centre you are expected to be forthcoming and truthful about your addictions to allow my unconventional methods to have their full effect. Men are subjected to ridicule, interrogation and mind bending techniques in order to strip them down to their bare necessities.

My approach is not only unorthodox but extremely effective in providing my patients the top quality care they have sought after for so long. No stone is left unturned whilst I riffle deep into your cerebral cortex, exposing you to your dark perversions. You will come face to face with whatever demons your subconscious has attempted to hide from you. With my tried and tested practices, we shall make you the man you have always dreamt of becoming.

My institute is open to a wide variety of sicknesses, problems and traumas. My ability to pivot on a dime to tailor my ways to each individual is renowned and encouraged by my peers. Do make yourself familiar with examples of my typical clientele, but know once you enter my labyrinth, there is no escaping me.

What is welcome here at my institute:

Gender Dysphoria - Feminization - Fantasy Confessions - Blackmail - Homewrecking - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Secret Sissys - Cuckolds - Taboos - Financial Domination - Co-dependency - Female Phobia - BBC Addiction - Foot or Heel Admirers - Intox Junkies - Gay Denial - Pantyhose Wearers - Personality Disorders - Erectile Dysfunction

Visit my Masturbation line for the following:

Jerk Off - Pornography - Gooning

Once are you admitted the following rules apply:

You shall be stripped of your rights as a male, stripped of your clothing and removed access to anything that could possibly hinder your treatments.
Masturbation is strictly controlled at my institute. Therefore, permission must be explicitly granted.
Sexual advances towards your clinician will not be tolerated.
Patients wanting to be admitted with any condition relating to masturbation or hypnosis will incur double the fees for treatment.
And last but certainly not least, you agree to hand over complete and total control of your being to me. Trusting your therapist is required, after all, I have your best interests at heart.


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