Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

Let's build a romance together. I want to send you texts out of the blue like:

"Hello sweetheart, how was work today?"

"I missed you while you were gone. You snuck out so quietly I didn't get to kiss you goodbye. Now that you're home, can we make up for lost time? "

" Want to see how I console myself when you're on business trips? I made you a little video. I can send it now if you promise not to get caught watching porn in your meeting. "

" Babe, you're late. You have 20 more minutes then I'm touching myself without you. "

I want you to send me whatever is on your mind. Every random boner, every big win, I want to celebrate together. Be mine and I'll be yours to adore.

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