Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

MissKaneda towers over you, a 6'5" dominant giantess utterly in control and ready to use you as she sees fit. Her massive shoes are objects of power, to be feared and adored. Her huge size 15 feet expect worship and total dedication.

I crave power more than anything, and adore rich, deep fantasies, taking people into worlds they've only dreamed of. I give kindness to my little pets who want nothing more than to cherish me, and my playthings receive ruthless, dehumanizing cruelty at my feet.

I long to be the 400-foot tall goddess crushing your city for her pleasure, the undeniable mistress who holds your life in her hands and makes you tremble with a word, and even the warm, powerful Matriarch who unlocks your secret fetishes and brings you out into love and light.


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