Phone Sex

: Looking for the best phone sex? You've found it, here at NiteFlirt.

You again?

Hello little dummy.

Your tiny dick is out again?
Not surprised there. 
I know you. You’re addicted but can’t admit it. You spend all day long looking at girls in porn wishing someone like her would ever become interested in you. But that would never happen.

You want someone to tease you because its what you deserve. And what makes my job so fun!
You’re less than, socially awkward, the pure definition of disappointment. And to be completely honest, your behaviors disgust me a bit.

You crave someone like me to remind you how low and baseless you’ve become, how weak minded and pathetic your attitudes are, how sad it must be to be you, to give you attention you, use you, project onto you, emotionally manipulate you, blackmail you, and on and on


I am your saving grace. I'm here to indulge your fantasies and in detail, provide reasons why you are such a fucking waste of space and you dont get to cum until I let you.

Buy my videos as tribute and to remind yourself how low youve really sunk in life.


Fake Submissive Video



Good Boy Preview



Ready For Cock? Video



Little Bitch Tax







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