Phone Sex

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GODDESS through the keyhole Severine

Let’s get one thing straight from the jump:
this isn’t about what you want.

If you don’t like it?
Kindly: fuck off.

Want to be mine?
Prove it.

What are you willing to give?
Everyone has to make a sacrifice.

The more it hurts, the better.

That’s what I like about you.
You know what you deserve.

And what you don’t.

What’s your relationship with shame?
Why is it so wrapped up in your desires?

Do you think it’s a coincidence?

I don’t think you should ever cum again.
If I had my way, you’d never even touch yourself.

You’d finally give up your nasty little habit
and make yourself useful.

Eat your cornflakes or whatever.

Think of the submissive you could become
without the distraction of the pointless thing
between your legs.

It’s not like you would ever get to fuck me anyway.
Best to forget about it.

Sure, you’ll be desperate to please me in other ways.
Chastity will help you focus.

What happens when you finally get out of your own way?
Are you scared of getting what you wanted all along?
What would it be like to be the submissive you’ve always fantasized about?

Everyone has to start somewhere.

An orgasm is temporary.
Chastity’s forever.
Permanent, even.

It’s for your own good.

Once you forget your selfish desires,
you open yourself up to the pleasures of serving me.

It’s just as addictive, you know.
Doing as you’re told.

Eventually, it’s better than sex.

That’s what I mean when I say
“obedience is bliss.”

Why did you think you were so eager to please?
I think you were made this way for me.
The way you love to suffer?
Can’t be an accident.

Don’t you want to suffer for me?

Good toy.

Agree to My terms of service and let’s play.


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